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Why do I need Support Coordination?

Updated: Oct 18, 2021

a group of people trekking along a sandy river plain with a mountain range in the distance
The NDIS journey begins with finding an experienced guide

Not everyone will need Support Coordination, just like not everyone needs a Speech Pathologist or a Dietitian. Many people have simple NDIS plans that are easy to manage and they already have a stable connection with their preferred service providers. In this situation there's very little a Support Coordinator might do to assist.

But for others, a bit of help and guidance is reassuring or even a relief. This is especially true for those that are just starting their NDIS journey or undertaking a significant change in supports such as a transition in their life, leaving school, entering employment, or choosing between the multitude of accommodation options.

An NDIS journey is like a wilderness trek

Navigating the NDIS world can also be daunting and ridiculously complicated. Sometimes it can feel like you need to be a lawyer, accountant, project manager, tough negotiator, and diplomat all at once. And all of that can be frustrating and exhausting, so it pays to have someone to carry some of the load and allow you the space and time to focus on the stuff that matters.

Think of a Support Coordinator as your guide on trek up a mountain. You know you want to get to the summit, but you don't know the mountain or all the possible pathways to get there, and you don't know where there might be rock falls or an impassable ravine. Your Support Coordinator has the experience and knowledge and will assist by suggesting the possible paths, explaining the risks and barriers, and helping you to forge a plan customised to your circumstances and to get you there within your timeframe.

Sticking with the mountain guide analogy, it is important to understand what to expect from a Support Coordinator and also what they shouldn't or can't do. While your trekking guide is there to support the journey and maximise everyone's safety it is unreasonable to expect them to carry all the gear and make all the decisions. This is your journey and you are in the lead position with the Support Coordinator following and providing advice when asked.

The different levels of Support Coordination

Level 1: Support Connection

This lower level of support is most similar to the service provided by an LAC. It is rarely funded and not many service providers offer to deliver this in a significant capacity.

Level 2: Coordination of Supports

This is the most common form of Support Coordination and is described in more detail in the final section. This is the primary service of My Coordinator.

Level 3: Specialist Support Coordination

This level is funded where there are additional high or complex needs such as health, education, or justice considerations. The Coordinator is likely to be qualified in a relevant allied health discipline (e.g. Occupational Therapist, Psychologist, or Social Worker).

What will My Coordinator do?

Essentially, the role of a Support Coordinator is to support and assist a participant to:

  • implement their NDIS plan to meet agreed outcomes

  • determine budgets for each service

  • assess and engage a range of service providers

  • negotiate service delivery and prices,

  • create service agreements and service bookings

  • arrange assessments and reports to support future funding requirements

  • link to mainstream, community, and informal supports

  • identify problems, manage risks, and resolve issues

  • work with NDIS partners and providers, including Plan Managers, to process claims

  • strengthen and enhance their capacity to coordinate and manage their supports

  • prepare for plan reviews

  • consider life transitions and manage changes of circumstances

There are some things that a Support Coordinator isn't paid to do and it is important that other services are engaged to do these tasks and remove any potential conflict of interest:

  • transport participants

  • plan management and administration

  • rostering of supports

  • providing other direct supports

  • advocacy

For more information about the role of Support Coordination or to discuss your personal circumstances, give My Coordinator a call or send a message for a commitment-free chat.

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