Our Services
Assistance with understanding and navigating the NDIS, testing eligibility, preparing an application, and negotiating an initial funding plan.
Capacity Building
Tailored support for participants and carers to develop skills in plan management, independent living, life transition planning, and supported decision making.
Support Coordination
Assistance to implement a funding plan, engaging ​service providers, connecting with mainstream and community supports, as well as reviewing and planning for any changes in circumstances.
Employment Pathways
Advice and guidance around exploring employment options including supported employment models, mainstream employment, or starting a micro-business.
School Leaver Support
Advice and guidance around post-school options including school leaver employment supports (SLES), pre-employment training, or
skills development.
Accommodation Options
Assistance with tenancy obligations and support to explore accomodation options that might include mainstream or community housing, Specialist Disability Accomodation (SDA), Supported Independent Living (SIL), or Individualised Living Options (ILO).